We are always looking for people who would like to volunteer at Fort Osage National Historic Landmark. Whether you would like to be a Living History Interpreter in the Fort, a museum docent, or a research assistant, we are always very appreciative of your help.
As a volunteer, Jackson County Parks + Rec also offers three exciting benefits packages for volunteers. The distinction between packages is made according to the number of hours the volunteer has served during the previous calendar year. Each year, a new identification card will be issued based upon the recorded hours you have turned in the previous year. Thus, your benefits will be good for the year after the volunteer hours are worked and documented.
If you have any questions about volunteering at the Fort, please call the site at (816) 650-3278 or by email fortosage@jacksongov.org.
If you are ready to start, please click on the link below to complete the volunteer application. A complete listing of Volunteer benefits is also posted for you to view.
CLICK HERE to complete the Jackson County Parks + Rec Volunteer application.